
SHOPPING Unless you’ve been living in a cave on Baffin Island, or some other out-of-the-way location, you must be reeling from all the buzz about the retail trade’s problems associated with Thanksgiving Day shopping. You might want to hear the point of...

Falling Through the Generation Gap

  Oh My My My! I realize at last That my present ideas Are all in the Past The more that I think I know what to claim The next generation Is revising the game The kids that I see Who have many more votes Think much younger than me And they laugh at my quotes If I...

The Gingerbread House

I saw this house in a Victorian house magazine, but I couldn’t go there, so I just fantasized about what it would be like to own it. When I tried to draw it on the computer, I had to change the landscaping and some of the facade because the photograph was just...

Going Paperless

GOING PAPERLESS I understand why businesses want to go paperless. Paper costs money and takes lots of labor. We have a tree shortage in the United States. Nobody has yet figured out how to make paper out of something that isn’t alive or wasn’t alive at...