I promise to Stay Married (this time)

What do remarrying folks worry about? What’s this new spouse really like? Will I fail? Will health be a big issue? How about money? Common interests? The past?

The issues are as varied and as individual as fingerprints! Adjustment to a new lifestyle is a given, no matter how one’s previous marriage ended. In my book, I Promise To Stay Married (This Time), I describe my own adjustment as I leaped over the crevice from my own comfort zone of single life after two failures, to a completely different situation: I moved away from my big city law practice, my grown children, my home and my friends to rewire my head and renew my life.

My goal was to adapt to my new husband’s retired status and life in a remote rural area. Our routines were so different that I had to make up everything as I went along. I don’t know how many people would have bet on me, with my track record. My decision was to go for broke and put my heart and soul into it. My strategy was to find humor in every glitch, a ray of sunlight in every black moment and a willingness to change any bad habits I needed to change. I did it for love.